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Missing function? Change post/thread owner.


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Hello, my first post! :) Thank you all for providing such a great service like webflake. Now to my question.

I've been an administrator a long time ago on a site that used XenForo, there we could change the post and thread owner of threads & posts. However I'm unable to find that function now. Could it be that this is a plugin that were installed on that specific site? I did some googling and found this link below.

I'm not sure if this only exist as a plugin or maybe a feature I need to activate? Unfortunately I can't test the below link since well.. You know. License required hehe.


Best regards, The Beetle Bubbie


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5 hours ago, BeetleBubbie said:

Hello, my first post! :) Thank you all for providing such a great service like webflake. Now to my question.

I've been an administrator a long time ago on a site that used XenForo, there we could change the post and thread owner of threads & posts. However I'm unable to find that function now. Could it be that this is a plugin that were installed on that specific site? I did some googling and found this link below.

I'm not sure if this only exist as a plugin or maybe a feature I need to activate? Unfortunately I can't test the below link since well.. You know. License required hehe.


Best regards, The Beetle Bubbie


i have andy-changeauthor-1.8 if you can use this

when I load your site, I was like a vampire, slept for thousands of years and just now is my first glimpse of light haha.

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