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Looking for help on this feature.


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How to convert the default reputation system into this modified reputation system. This modified reputation system should work on content count. (we already have the XP bar)


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This image is actually uploaded as a reputation level badge in the profiles section. The group promotion system doesn't allow me to take actions for reputation levels with respect to content count.


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I found something similar on some other site but I do not know how to make this work either.



According to their information they say the members shop XP is converted into Reputation every 12 hours.

If someone can tell us both how to make this feature it will be good for both of us :)

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4 hours ago, Triqqy said:

Members -> Reputation & Reactions -> Reputation Levels -> Create New -> Badge (where you  can upload an image)


Nope this feature does not work that way I tried that. The system should be somehow linked to the content count. DO you really think the XP can be based on just reputations given from smileys? The XP given on Members Shop XP will be used as a base (either through conversion) or just synchronize it with Reputation Level XP.

Content Count/XP Count= Reputation Level XP

If we do that the reputation system starts working properly.

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I was just trying to give suggestion on what you the topic author could try. But as for what you saw on another forum you could use that. 

Edited by Triqqy
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19 hours ago, Triqqy said:

I was just trying to give suggestion on what you the topic author could try. But as for what you saw on another forum you could use that. 

Please if you can find out how to add/replace contents to reputation xp somehow it will be great. I also tried to see if something like this is possible through automation rules but that doesn't seems to be possible either. 

Any suggestions on how to make this possible will be truly appreciated.

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