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Neva Dark Theme


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Hey, I just installed Neva Dark style on XenForo 2.1. (https://webflake.sx/files/file/5208-nerva-dark-210-xenforo-2-dark-style/) and I have 2 outdated templates in this theme that pops up every time. I would be glad if I can receive some help to fix this issues, 'cause I do not know what to do with it.




As you can see, there's a HTML bug in the footer's layer and here you can see how should be looking https://demo.xentr.net/themes.php?theme=Nerva-Dark:




Edited by EdmondN1
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if you are running the latest xenforo that will cause it to happen theme was not updated i ran into the same issue but im am using xenforo 214 you can try and run the update on the right side see if that fix it

when I load your site, I was like a vampire, slept for thousands of years and just now is my first glimpse of light haha.

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