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image Create from String


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imagecreatefromstring(): Couldn't create GD Image Stream out of Data

This error occurs  when creating custom settings for the theme, and especially for image radio setting, after the sync from file system or disabling Designers mode and sync.

Sample code.


return new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( "core_theme_setting_title_{$row['sc_id']}", $value, FALSE, array( 'options' => array(
  'ai' => "<img src='" . $theme->resource('enhancements/a.png', 'core' ) . "' alt='[a] [i]' class='ipsImage'>",
  'ia' => "<img src='" . $theme->resource('enhancements/b.png', 'core' ) . "' alt='[i] [a]' class='ipsImage'>",
			), 'parse' => 'raw' ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'theme_setting_' . $row['sc_key'] );

php 7.2



in php 7.3 gives Failed to read the file

Edited by S!r.ReaDy
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