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Question No permission to download?


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Hi, I was downloading stuff fine yesterday and then after an hour or so I can't download anything? it tells me I don't have permissions (screenshot http://prntscr.com/oz4p0f).


I don't have any warning points and I'm not inactive, the only thing I can think of is that I switch between my home broadband and my portable hotspot for my mobile data so maybe IP change or something?


(P.S If you were wondering why I switch between networks, my home broadband is a more stable and consistent speed but my data has faster less consistent speed so downloading stuff is faster)

Edited by Devlin
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Yeah, but from what I remember doesn't that show up on the download page? rather than saying "sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file"?

I also cant use the chatbox?


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  • Administrator
On 8/29/2019 at 9:38 AM, Devlin said:

Yeah, but from what I remember doesn't that show up on the download page? rather than saying "sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file"?

This is quite an old topic but it's worth noting that with our 5.2.2 update of the site, you'll now see the correct message for why you're unable to download.

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