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Question Private Message Links to Paid Sites

Head Guru

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Does WebFlake have an actual policy of someone sending a link via private message about a request in the IPS Requests. The think takes me to another site that I have  pay for that plugin/application.

I know the risks of going to another site anyway, but was wondering if WF actually has any policy relating to this.

Thank you.

Head Guru - Personal Blog: https://www.zacdrayson.com |Business Website: https://www.hydrawebservices.com

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5 minutes ago, S!r.ReaDy said:

It's against the rules to request an ap via DM. Got 2 warnings ? Get enough posts to be able to post yourself. (Ik its not about you.)

Now what i am saying is that I have requested a file through the IPS Requests area. And then today I get a private message from another member sending me to another site to get that file. But when you get there you then have to pay for the file anyway. So trying to figure out if there is an actually policy about this.

Head Guru - Personal Blog: https://www.zacdrayson.com |Business Website: https://www.hydrawebservices.com

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  • Administrator

Yes, requesting or sharing content via private messages is a violation of our Community Guidelines. Only exception would be to consensual market transactions where a user is buying a product through a middleman service or a user is selling their own goods/services.

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