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Best Free Forum Software? Mybb vs Phpbb?


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Well to be honest this question has been asked a lot. I think that mybb is the best option for free there are lots of plugins and mods but be aware that there will need be editing of templates ect. Phpbb is ok but then its another case of things just not working or not working well. But you could take a look at good old smf its been around the block but still has good mods and a great team keeping things up to date.

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I have used both. Personally i prefer MyBB, because there is probably more active community than phpbb. Also there are more cool templates for mybb, and they're mostly free. Since MyBB don't have that much feature and plugin like IPS, you can write yours easy, well if you know php, but it is much easier than develop something to IPS.

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21 minutes ago, Hector M. Wilde said:

phpBB is more secure than MyBB

That ain't quite true phpbb has had its fair share of problems with security as have most ask an owner of a massive now closed war*z site. I think the main issue is a lot use mybb for nulled sites and still run 1.6 because a lot of the nulled sites fave mods are 1.6. like tabbed menu extra functions for newpoints. But iv now updated a lot of the plugins to 1.8 and am still testing for stability and indeed the sites security I think the age old rule is make sure you leave no holes open.

Edited by Tricky
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13 minutes ago, RICHIE said:

phpbb might be more secure but it's not hard to make mybb just as secure... or even more secure!

I must agree mainly these days hacking ect is an open admin where a password has been leaked of a admin that is having a moment because the owner deleted one of his posts. I was fed up to the back teeth of mybb but then decided to give it another chance. I did also test phpbb and smf as to be honest the free software still stands up well against the big players and so it should we all need free if there was no free well you guys will be paying a lot more for your mods plugins ect. so on a whole Mybb is my choice but why not just try both its not going to cost a penny.

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No matter what - I would definitely go for mybb. It may be very well customized and is worth trying to make a good forum.

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