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Problematic registration challenge on WebFlake


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So minutes ago I've tried to run an ad and after I've set up everything, IPS prompted me to create an account. I thought is a good idea to sign up using my forum name buuut couldn't do it because couldn't pass of the challenge: When WebFlake was launched (month and year). I checked the about us page as instructed and tried 022013 02 2013, February 2013 but still no luck. Then get bored filling stupid captchas with buses, cars, traffic lights, etc.

The point is that I suppose that challenge make a lot of users couldn't register. You should look into it admin..

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  • Administrator

"February 2013" should have worked. You may have had an extra space somewhere.

It's worth noting though that it's a good thing you didn't finish that registration because our system is designed to ban secondary accounts, which is why we have that big alert on the registration page. ?

That said, yeah, our challenge forms need some work so as to not compromise valid registrations while still deterring spam bots.

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