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Bigger font or mybe google font


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Hi WebFlakers ?

I'm here (again) with a little and fast question:

I want to make the default font more bigger or even if it's possible to inherit some google font. If google it's possible, i preffer Merriweather. Please help me someone.

I use IPS 4.4 and the default (core) style. Thank you, cheers!

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1 hour ago, Raúl Molina said:


The default theme allows you to choose Merriweather in the Text tab on the theme properties on IPS 4.3, but I'm not sure on 4.4. However, as far as I know it should still be there.

Yes i do that, but the body text is still little. Only changes the index and the viewforum (thread_list) but not the viewthread.

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in your custom css add this and change value by your

.ipsComment_content .ipsType_richText, .ipsApp .cke_contents {
    font-size: 1.4rem;
    line-height: 1.6;


Best Regards

French webdesigner in camel Design, Support, help and tutorials in : Forum Camel Design.

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