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Friendly URL for Topic Title

Head Guru

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I am wanting to change my communities topic titles, I believe I can do this through using friendly urls. 

Currently my topic titles all have a number before them. Example: mysite.com/topic/68-site-going-offline - and I am wanting it to just show as: mysite.com/topic/site-going-offline and have the topic number removed. 

I believe it is something to do with the friendly url - mysite.com/topic/{#id}-{?} within the friendly urls advanced config within the ACP.

Would I change this to just topic/{?}

Thanks in advance for your help.

Head Guru - Personal Blog: https://www.zacdrayson.com |Business Website: https://www.hydrawebservices.com

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18 minutes ago, Meehoweq said:

Yes, that would do the trick, also tested. However, you can find yourself having a duplicate topic title at one moment. What then? That's why the IDs are in place.

I am sure they would have thought of that and have something in place. But I can't see having exactly the same topic title letter for letter for some reason. But a little bit unlikely to happen I think.

Head Guru - Personal Blog: https://www.zacdrayson.com |Business Website: https://www.hydrawebservices.com

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