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Main and Sub departments in the Support app.


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I've been thinking about this for a couple of hours now.


I currently run a community of 3 ips forums. One forum is the main forum two other forums are different game servers we host. Both forums are linked into the main forum like user login and registration. 


The main forum is where everything is handled down to the support feature which is the main way we handle player disputes, bug reports etc.


Now, I'm not sure if this is already a plug-in or something somewhere on the internet but is there a way for simplicity reasons we can make main and Sub departments

Here is an example of my case on why it would have to happen.


Main Department - Game 1

- Sub dep : Report a player, Appeals etc..

Which would add an extra drop-down menu to the main Department to show the sub departments.


I'm wondering how would I go about doing this? And would it be efficient enough on the forums without putting more stress on the core.


I don't want to use the other two forum support features as my plan is having everything linked into one main forum where users of the community can split from each of the games to talk about programming, other games, etc.


Thanks yo whomever comes across this and gives it a read, 


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