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How to remove branding from Xenforo 2.1.0 ?


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I am not talking about any template. I am talking about Xenforo default branding i.e, 'Forum Software Made by Xenforo', this branding. I want to remove it. I searched the net, but nothing found useful. Can anyone help please?

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I would presume you can use CSS to just hide it :) I don't have a Xenforo board to test on so if you PM me your board URL I can take a look at it.

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  On 3/5/2019 at 9:30 AM, Cookie Monster said:

I would presume you can use CSS to just hide it :) I don't have a Xenforo board to test on so if you PM me your board URL I can take a look at it.

Hey Cookie. After a long long time. :D ^_^ I have no problem with you to take a look. I will send you a PM. :)

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Editing or Removing Xenforo Footer Copyright in in Xenforo 2

Go to /src/ folder and open the file XF.php file with notepad ++ and click Ctrl+F then find below code


return '<span class="u-concealed" dir="ltr">Forum software by XenForo™ <span class="copyright">©2010-2017 XenForo Ltd.</span></span>';

If you want to remove this code, you can remove above code and save it.

and you can change the line / code to add your website link.

Best Regards

French webdesigner in camel Design, Support, help and tutorials in : Forum Camel Design.

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  On 3/5/2019 at 3:38 PM, titcrunch said:

Editing or Removing Xenforo Footer Copyright in in Xenforo 2

Go to /src/ folder and open the file XF.php file with notepad ++ and click Ctrl+F then find below code


return '<span class="u-concealed" dir="ltr">Forum software by XenForo™ <span class="copyright">©2010-2017 XenForo Ltd.</span></span>';

If you want to remove this code, you can remove above code and save it.

and you can change the line / code to add your website link.

I have already seen this solution but it is not working. In XF 2.1.0 in '/src/XF.php', there is no such line or code. At line 893 it is calling a function named 'getCopyrightHtml()'. But I could not find where this function has been defined, though I have not searched every file in there.

Edited by DarKMaSk
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have you check in language file ? if they are hide the copyright in expression

or in the footer template ? remove this

<div id="copyright">{xen:helper copyright} {xen:phrase extra_copyright}</div>
            <xen:hook name="footer_after_copyright" />

or try this

go in : library/XenForo on FTP and open Application.php, search "public static function getCopyrightHtml()" and replace the code found by your

Edited by titcrunch

Best Regards

French webdesigner in camel Design, Support, help and tutorials in : Forum Camel Design.

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  On 3/8/2019 at 12:07 PM, titcrunch said:

have you check in language file ? if they are hide the copyright in expression

or in the footer template ? remove this

<div id="copyright">{xen:helper copyright} {xen:phrase extra_copyright}</div>
            <xen:hook name="footer_after_copyright" />

or try this

go in : library/XenForo on FTP and open Application.php, search "public static function getCopyrightHtml()" and replace the code found by your

Where can I find this language file?

There is no file in 'library' folder. My Xenforo version is 2.1.0. In version 1.x, the Xenforo folder was in the 'library' folder. Lot has been changed from version 2.0. Though I have found an 'Application.php' file in the '/src/Legacy' folder but that doesn't contain the code you have mentioned. Also, the whole Xenforo script doesn't have any 'footer.php', atleast I couldn't find any such file.

Edited by DarKMaSk
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you want it for the admin or both try this see if it works dont for get to make a back up copy

 file library/XenForo/Application.php search for Public static function getCopyrightHtml()

when I load your site, I was like a vampire, slept for thousands of years and just now is my first glimpse of light haha.

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  On 3/8/2019 at 4:35 PM, mr-pimpen said:

you want it for the admin or both try this see if it works dont for get to make a back up copy

 file library/XenForo/Application.php search for Public static function getCopyrightHtml()

Please see my above reply. There are only 2 (two) files in 'library' folder, one is .htaccess file and another is an 'index.html' file, that's all.

Edited by DarKMaSk
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  On 3/9/2019 at 2:06 AM, mr-pimpen said:

can u give an update how you did and where so members who have same issues can remove it 2

Actually I haven't found the copyright code yet. But I have changed the 'Forum software made by Xenforo', this line and I have changed the copyright portion of the theme I used, though it was also took some time to figure out.

Changing the line, 'Forum software made by Xenforo' is easy. Enter the ACP. Then go to Setup > Options > Basic board information > Board Meta Description and change the line. The metadata will be changed automatically.

Now, I have used Vertiforo theme. I changed the copyright portion in the source .xml file before uploading. If you open the .xml (I use Dreamweaver to open .xml files) file, you will find the 'Footer' portion from line 580 to 587. You will understand what to change there. That's all.

But I am still looking for the original Xenforo copyright entry.

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