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Guest Lunacy

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Guest Lunacy

I can't remember if I posted an introduction thread or not. Oh well. My name is Cory aka Lunacy. I am a themer for MyBB but I don't personally use the software on any of mysites. I typically use IPB. I own a gaming community (Tell me more about how cliche the niche is! xP) powered by IPB. I'm not fully familiar with the rules so I won't post a link to it. :)


Two themes I'm currently working on:


1st: http://gyazo.com/8930c8aa493ba6d1ec4...png?1364524749 2nd: (This one is still in the process of being designed, ignore the unstyled stats and multiple "Home"'s in the main navigation. :Phttp://gyazo.com/061fb14f355b5dbdf42...png?1364524473

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