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Where do I put the Rest API key


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Hello everyone, everything good?

So I am programming in C # where I would like to collect information with my Forum IPS 4.3.5, information for the LOGIN.
For this I created a REST API key, however I put the key according to the invision tutorial but it still gives NO_API_KEY error.
Remembering, I just want to know where I put the key to authorize to log in C # ...

Excuse my English, but, if anyone can help me. I will be grateful!

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Depends on the web server end. If you don't have fast cgi installed then you may need to add at the end of the Endpoint with '?Key='. If you do and your web server doesn't complain about it then put it in the password field in the curl. 


Please take a look here in their documentation to see what they do with the api key


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