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After converting my forum, data doesn't show up


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before asking for this, I looked up online answers to this and I couldn't find anyone with this problem, thus I am hoping someone came across this same issue when converting to ipb and will know a way to help me.


Here's the thing. I have converted my forum messages, categories, members and I can see everything in the admin area, but the categories/sub forums won't let me edit the title, description, and so on. It gives me an error.... In the homepage it's a different story. None of the forum subforums show up nor messages... Private messages, members and birthdays work fine.


Did anyone who converted their forum from a different software have this issue? How can I fix it? I tried everything and it won't let me. There's no option I can see to rebuild and recound data as far as I know...


Thank you :)

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What software are you converting from? ?

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On 7/26/2018 at 2:19 PM, Jeffrey said:

What software are you converting from? ?

I am trying to convert from SMF. Everything is there and I know for a fact because I checked db tables and everything seems to be well transfered to IPB, however it just doesn't show on the main page. And it shows an error message in the categories page if I try to edit something on the dashboard.

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