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As posted in the changelog

Due to an unforeseen change with the group promotions, we've had to adjust our Inactivity Policy.

  • Inactivity Policy only applies to Newbies, Members, and Advanced Members
  • Accounts that were created 30 or more days ago and have not posted in 30 or more days will be marked inactive.
    • Content count is not considered. Whether you have 0 posts or 49, you're subject to this rule. To further clarify: if you create an account and don't post at all within 30 days, you'll be marked inactive. Even if you're logging in daily and downloading files.
  • To remove yourself from the Inactive Members group, you only need to post once. You'll be moved to Newbies.
    • To restore your previous group, you'll need to post once more so that the system scans the promotion rules again.
    • In short, you need to post twice to move out of Inactive Members and back to your original group.
      • Please do not spam with "thanks", "welcome", or other useless nonsense. Your account will just be flagged as a spammer

Also to add, why write "hello" as a topic title. A good tip is to make a descriptive topic title so people can help you @kinhodesouza



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