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forumcore hacked and my info possbily stolen?


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Guest thomash131

That's probably why I'm getting unauthorized logins to my facebook and steam account. Changed all my passwords since this though.

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Guest RobNuts


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Pretty damn lame. I should be able to read a topic about your site being hacked and leaking my info. Real damn lame.


Fortunately I used a random password not used for any other site.

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Guest thomash131

That means the topic has been hidden by a member of staff... Can understand why though, it's not exactly reassuring.

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  • Administrator

  Locking this thread until a member of Administration has time to properly address any concerns. There's no need to continue posting speculations.

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The ForumCore database that I saw on the internet was from the time that TRON was the administrator. The only reason I am pointing this out is to assure everyone that Phun and Para run a pretty tight ship, and this wasn't their fault.


If your ForumCore login information is the same as your login information for other sites, I would absolutely recommend that you change your passwords.


For future reference . . if you join a warez/hacking site in the future, don't use the log-in information you use at other sites. Create unique login credentials. To me, this is purely common sense.


They got a database that was from approximately a month before FC closed.


They have your email addresses. They have your Skype name info (or whatever you posted on your profile) I am almost 100% sure they don't have anyone's passwords. Think about it. They have had the database for the better part of 2 months. I have not heard a SINGLE instance of any member saying that someone logged into any of their accounts.


The person who is sending the emails is probably some 12 year old kid who thinks he has something worthwhile. The ONLY thing private he likely has is your email address . . and most people used fake email addy's at FC.


@thomash131 I signed up for Steam about a month ago. I use a unique login name and password on Steam. I don't use this login name or password on any other site or service. I also use a really new email address with my Steam account. Every two days I get emails saying that someone tried to log onto my Steam account from a new computer. Frankly speaking, this makes me question Steam's security.

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