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I think I'm toast, suggestions?


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I've had my community going for almost a year now. I've been running IPB on it, since I absolutely love IPB. I'm just using a retail copy with no license on it, since I'm not fond of nulled. Yesterday, while uploading some files to my database (using x10Hosting) it kicked me out and told me I was suspended for nulled/illegal scripts. My IPB copy is retail, so definetly not the issue. Turns out that x10 has a system which detects nulled software and stuff, and apparently the files I tried uploading yesterday were either nulled or it gave a false positive to the system. So, I don't have a license or anything. My last backup was from like February 5th and we've had quite a few posts since then, so I'm screwed if I can't get back onto my account or at least somewhat screwed. I submitted an appeal and made a forum thread, here's the replies I got from their staff: http://x10hosting.com/forums/free-hosting/184341-account-suspended-urgent.html#post903260


What the heck should I do? I really would like to get my data, but at least I have one backup from a month ago, better than losing everything I guess. But still, I really want to get it back if possible. Ideas anyone?


And also, I'd love to buy IPB, but we haven't met our donation goal for the forum software, and I really can't pay it out of pocket atm.


All suggestions are appreciated.

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Guest thomash131

You're screwed dude. You need to either buy a license from IPB, or I don't know what else.


You took the risk of using hosting that doesn't allow nulled scripts. Not sure why you'd take that risk......

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Guest Duff-Man



Sorry for the loss man. What I would recommend is downloading your last backup files and moving to another host. There seems to be no other way to go about this. Judging by the tone of the Hosting Staff you're not going to receive much if any help after you've filed your appeal. Cut your losses now, download the backup files, change the DNS settings for your domain and set up again at a new host (most hosts will move your domain for you if needed).


Just a tip, download WAMP Server, which will give you your own virtual server, and run your backup from it. Try and make a few changes to the site, improve certain aspects that need amendment and add new features or apps so that you have an explanation for your downtime to notify your users/members. You don't want them to know that your previous web host suspended your account for using illegal software now ;)

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You're screwed dude. You need to either buy a license from IPB, or I don't know what else.


You took the risk of using hosting that doesn't allow nulled scripts. Not sure why you'd take that risk......

It's not nulled, it's a retail copy lol. Not that stupid :P


Duff, can't take backups. Account is completely locked. 


To anyone wondering: it wasn't the actual IPB software that got me suspended, it was a mod that gave a false positive for nulled software, my bad luck.

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  • Administrator

As has already been outlined, you're in quite a bind. Unless the hosting provider does in fact make an exception (their Abuse Compliance Officer didn't rule it out), you don't have any options. As you obviously don't have a license, the chances of them lifting the suspension (as their ACO alluded to), is zilch. As a result, you're better off finding a new host and starting fresh.


On a side note however, using nulled content isn't always "stupid". It lessens your chances of being "caught" by IPS, and provided you utilize content provided by trusted third-parties (not random users here who null it themselves and then want to slap "credits" in the headers like they're somehow "top dog" by doing so), you'll be just fine. I personally believe this "null sniffer" program is a load of BS. While there may be some legitimacy to it, I can't imagine the resources such a system would consume is worthwhile. I can at least take solace in knowing my current provider (GoDaddy) isn't likely to ever utilize such a program considering the sheer enormity of their client base.

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I have seen this happen before to many people and even once to my brother.. its a sad thing, but really these guys will not give you the stuff back.. they see you as another guy that is mad because he lost his data because of nulled forums... I am being truthful with you because some of you need a wakeup call on this. Off-Shore hosting as they call it is the way to go with nulled scripts or tools.. this will save you pain. These people that work at these hosting companies are usually dedicated and buttset to their jobs, so they will make no exceptions as example of your case..


Good luck

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Guest Tropics

I can try save your ass, if you tell me the file names. I have done this for a few people to do with another hosting site. works 80% of the time.

If you want a run-down of what I will do, PM me.

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Yah, I figured I was pretty much screwed. At least I have a backup from like a month ago, better than losing everything. Anyways, regarding hosting, since I'm at it, I'm just gonna go for paid hosting now since I've been on free hosting forever. I found a host that's very cheap and has very good reviews, but they're onshore sadly. I'm not really sure if you could get away with non-official copies of IPB on an onshore host, can you? Like Davlin said, larger hosts like GoDaddy will likely never utilize a program like what x10 has because of the humongous client base that they have. So could I get away with it? Or would you guys reccomend going offshore to stay on the safe side? If you do reccomend offshore, any good hosts that you know of?

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You have a point... Offshore host recommendations anyone?


But also Purple, how would they figure out that it's not legit in the first place? Like I know that if the copyrights don't lead to the official IPS site, than you definetly know it's nulled, but are there other ways? And like I said, I normally just use retail, but I never knew it was easier to get caught with retail...?

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My guess is someone reported you. And they ran the url check for your site.


What they posted in their message is not true tho.

I'm unable to properly identify which of the recent disputes is yours as there's no hosting account linked to this, however I will confirm that out of all the disputes for nulled IPB's I've worked in the last week, 100% of them have been confirmed as illegal either due to the presence of the release groups "tag" built into the files (usually taking the format "nulled by X" but not always), or due to the lack of an installed license key, which Invision Power requires be present for the install to be considered legal.

Edited by Lock Down
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My guess is someone reported you. And they ran the url check for your site.


What they posted in their message is not true tho.

Yah, but I got kicked out as soon as the files I was uploading finished uploading. Literally. I was trying to install the Applications System addon.


Regarding the install thing, so you could run a board without a license key legally basically?

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