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What happen when you receive DCMA notice?

Guest lolguy

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Guest lolguy

Last few days, i received a email from a template developer asking me for my licence of the template.In the email he stated :If I do not have a licence for the item, he request me remove all the theme's files, or he'll send a formal DMCA takedown notice to both me, and my hosting company.I removed all the files as requested, am I safe?I also sended him an email explaining and clariying.For general knowledge,I also wish to know what happen when u receive a dcma notice?Will u also get sue?

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  • Administrator

As Phun pointed out, removing the offending content will generally be the worst part of it.


As far as being "sued".. not likely. I've never heard of it, nor do I believe it's remotely possible. Worst case scenario, your hosting provider terminates your service and that's a win for the skin author (even for IPS if you're using other nulled content). But the chances of criminal / civil proceedings are virtually impossible. A DMCA notice can be overwhelming, but it's nothing to be overly concerned about as long as you comply (unless of course, your hosting provider isn't concerned with DMCA notices).

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Guest Niels

im using free hosting and no problems.


theme maker is ya dawg remove meh theme or dmca.

me like no dawg no time for dat

theme maker like dawg im gonna dmca

host like hey dawg eat some candy i dont care about nulled


host is in united states and free

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Guest SmugFly

im using free hosting and no problems.


theme maker is ya dawg remove meh theme or dmca.

me like no dawg no time for dat

theme maker like dawg im gonna dmca

host like hey dawg eat some candy i dont care about nulled


host is in united states and free


If you are intent on replying then please use the english language, this childsish crap will not be tolerated here.


As your hosting is not only free and in the us then your site can be removed at anytime along with your hosting access, sites on free hosting never stay online for long anyhow...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest poiuyt580

Last few days, i received a email from a template developer asking me for my licence of the template.In the email he stated :If I do not have a licence for the item, he request me remove all the theme's files, or he'll send a formal DMCA takedown notice to both me, and my hosting company.I removed all the files as requested, am I safe?I also sended him an email explaining and clariying.For general knowledge,I also wish to know what happen when u receive a dcma notice?Will u also get sue?



im using free hosting and no problems.


theme maker is ya dawg remove meh theme or dmca.

me like no dawg no time for dat

theme maker like dawg im gonna dmca

host like hey dawg eat some candy i dont care about nulled


host is in united states and free



@SmugFly Just want to point out the two different posters...I believe Niels is mocking lolguy. 

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Guest Ampli

most of the companies just report it google to remove the results from searching I used to get many notifications in the webmaster tools and sometimes got email from WWE for removal of their content from my forum :P but it was easy I deleted the thread replied to the email and thats it nothing more ever happened.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest risker

It really just matters on your host, depending on where they're from is usually the biggest factor. I've had Russian hosts who just ignore them, but I've had an American one who cowered at them.

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  • Administrator

It's safe to say that the user has either resolved the issue with his host or moved on. The topic was posted over two months ago (and the last reply was a month ago). Gonna go ahead and lock this so dead topics aren't resurrected.

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