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Velexis - Introduction


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Hello everyone,

My name is Dion, I'm 21 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I'm currently studying graphic design: interactive.
If everything goes as planned, I'm done with school on 22nd of december 2017. That would be a nice 'almost' Christmas present.
Anyway, after school I'm planning on working for a company for 1,5/2 years as a web developer or graphic designer (depends on what they need the most).
Maybe, after working, I'm returning back to school to finish a study specifically for web development. I'm not quite sure if I will return to school at all.

In my free time, I'm mostly playing World of Warcraft. Not those private servers that everyone is so hyped about. I'm playing the real servers for over 9 years now.
During the work days, I'm turning off my computer at 20:00 and I start watching some tv-series or movies, just to calm down before heading to bed.
Every friday or saturday evening, I'm with friends in town to get a few drinks and have dinner together. This way, we keep up on each others lives.

I'm a person that is trustworthy, people mostly come to if they need someone to talk to about their problems. I always try to help people to the best of my ability.
So basically, I'm a decent guys who loves helping people out and loves to play games, watching tv-series, coding websites and hanging out with friends.

If you ever need anything or got any questions, feel free to send me a private message.

Kind regards,


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Welcome to Webflake @Velexis Glad to have ya here! Please remember to check out our Community Guidelines and if i can help with anything don't hesitate to ask


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Hi Dion, love the introduction and the way that you seem to have a balanced out life with friends, work, school, etc., wish I could do the same. You say that you're not excited about private servers but are you excited about the fact that Blizzard is bringing a classic server of their own, or do you prefer today's WOW? Personally don't care for WOW but I'm curious to what people think as I've heard about all the fuss with one of the most popular private servers being taken down along with a few others so this is probably in response to people being so mad at them for that.

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Thank you for the warm welcome @Saviour!

To be honest, most private servers are way to custom for my taste, I just like leveling and playing the end game content (level 110 in this case).
There are also "Blizzlike" servers, but those have many broken quests and many other things don't work either.

About Blizzard bringing back the old classic servers, I'm very excited about that as I have never been able to play and experience that time.
I started playing during the Wrath of the Lich King expansions, so to be able to play like it was back in the day, would be pretty awesome!

Many people hate Blizzard for their actions of taking down private servers because people pay and play alot on these private servers.
So when Blizzard is taking it down, you kinda wasted your money and time into something that maybe only existed for a few years.

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I used to be a developer on some of these servers. 

Personally I was playing since patch 1.11 so just before the scourge and naxx came in the game. 

I stopped after Cata as i was 87 quests away from Loremaster and blizzard dropped their prepatch for panda ? 1 week earlier and screwed it up for me. 


I told myself I would never go back to that. 

The classics im actuly considering going back and same with battle of azeroth. 


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8 minutes ago, Cookie Monster said:

I used to be a developer on some of these servers. 

Personally I was playing since patch 1.11 so just before the scourge and naxx came in the game. 

I stopped after Cata as i was 87 quests away from Loremaster and blizzard dropped their prepatch for panda ? 1 week earlier and screwed it up for me. 


I told myself I would never go back to that. 

The classics im actuly considering going back and same with battle of azeroth. 

I have worked on some private servers too, but I quit after 5 years of emulation. That was around 4 years ago.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the classic and the new expansion! I have now more questions then answers ;)

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