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Is Donator Rank worth it?


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Prior to moving to Moderator, I was a Donator. Been a Donator for nearly a year (including my time on ForumCore). I believe it's more than worth it.. aside from the obvious generosity of giving back:

    [*]Quality, priority support [*]Unique, premium content [*]Nifty rank that lets you standout from the crowd
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I donated because i get alot of help on here. However, i haven't downloaded anything of the donator resources in the download section... I didn't find anything good yet.. 


here is a screenshot of it:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! Buy it and see <3 <3 <3 

Curse you.

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Hey guys. I acutally might Donate.


But is it worth it? Like I want know what is your experience etc... I relaly don'y want to regret this.


Hope to see some nice komments.


Donation isn't Loljk.

Donation is worth it. I'm not even joking.

Reason: Donation support: Helpful users spring on your question like a lion on a gazelle in the safari.

Another reason: Donor Resources. There's stuff in there that 'aint even comin' out, and we're not talkin' about your usual 15 dollar HTML templates, we're talkin' about your expensive Skins, Plugins, Hooks etc.


Note; I'm not doing this because I'm a friend of Phuns. I'm doing it from my experience, Imho if you ask me.



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  • Administrator

I wouldn't say it's so much offended as it is dumbfounded by the question. On a site where everything is free.. asking if a miniscule contribution is "worth it", does seem a bit entitled and arrogant. Anytime you give back to a community you've already taken so much from, is certainly "worth it".

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Cyntheria

Since you guys are no longer doing that VIP Lifetime thing, it now only Monthly so it feel more like a subscription now.  So it would be nice to take a glimps of the the Donator area.  Maybe can see it but can't read and click on it.  Just my opinions, but I'm pretty new to Webflakes, been around Forumcore for a bits.  I say Webflake is better because Forumcore is always down or run in server problem.


I may Donate someday though when I find Webflake don't go offline like Forumcore.

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Cyntheria, you joined ForumCore when it was undergoing some internal issues and was constantly being ddosed. The prior 2 or 3 years it was almost never down. (So, much for trusting "friends" to run your forum, lol.)WebFlake has experienced some problems but, not nearly the amount as FC did.

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