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What type of girls (or boys) do you like?


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What type of girls (or boys, for the ladies out there) do you like?

I personally like a girl with a nice personality.


Someone with a good sense of humor, a nice smile, and preferably shorter than me. Braces are usually a +1 in my book. Someone who's easy to talk to also. Oh, and brunettes are probably the best IMO. :P


Anyways, what about you?

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The ones that don't use their teeth. I kid..


It really depends. I believe that the eyes are the windows to your soul and someone needs to give off an honest and good vibe. But at the same time a certain mystique is nice. Someone that's fun to be around, yet mature and who doesn't plan on getting wasted this weekend or something. Someone who has aspirations for their life and goals to meet.


As far as physical features: someone that's around my height, usually darker hair, brown eyes are nice, a sense of style, and a good scent (I'm a sucker for armani, polo, and nautica :P).

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Guest Hitsugaya

I actually have developed a specific criteria for girls. Here it is...

  • [*]She MUST have a pretty face. I absolutely refuse any and all butter faces. [*]She must have some thickness. I don't want a stick for a girlfriend, but I also don't want an overweight girl either. [*]The girl does not require big boobs but they can't be too small. [*]Her ass has to be semi-nice. I don't want a girl with no ass. [*]She MUST be shorter than me. [*]She can't be a bitch. [*]I don't want a dumb girl.

That's my criteria, lol.

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Close your eyes when you meet a woman, and talk to her. If she is someone you think you could be friends with, there is no reason not to "like" her.  In my opinion, you can't have a "love" if you don't first have a "like". Sure, a physical attraction is nice, but if you base whether you like someone based on their physical appearance - you're just superficial and shallow.

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