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Question How do I get out of the "Inactive Members" usergroup?


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Right after I registered (July 15th, 2014)on this forum I became inactive. I just "rediscovered" this place, but now I am labeled as an Inactive Member. I expected this to go away after I posted, but I'm still stuck in this usergroup. Being in this usergroup prevents me from using the shoutbox, it seems. It also looks like my postbit is grayed out and I am missing the member userbar.

I hope there is a way for me to become a regular member again.



EDIT: Guess posting a thread did the trick, I'm out of it. :banghead:

Edited by Dutch
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Thanks guys. I was looking for some FAQ or something, but couldn't find it. Didn't suspect information about this being in the announcements subforum. 

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