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 I would go back in time to try to prevent some awful things from happening that are affecting my life right now. 

If you could change one single thing, no matter what, when or how impossible it seems, what would it be? 

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PC because you can upgrade the PC and sell the other older parts for those looking for gaming without spending too much money, where as with consoles you get what you buy without able to upgrade parts, so you have to get a whole new console in order to upgrade. 


Have you ever thought of bungee jumping from the tallest building on earth, and if yes, why? And if not, why? 

Edited by Erza
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My favorite game would I think be Skyrim. I don't know but when I got my new PC set up, it was among the first games I installed instantly. The amazing mods and all that really keep the game alive. :) 


What is that one thing you're really good at?

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