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DragonVoid is Back


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Hello Webflake,

I'm DragonVoid. I am back from my extensive break. Some of you may remember me but I thought I would reintroduce myself for the newer members. I used to be a junior moderator here on WebFlake then I moved to the support team. For some more personal details,I am 16, I know html,PHP,PPC,c#,and c++. I know quite abit about IPB and vBulletin I have also recently been using XenForo. I have gained quite a few friends along the way one and sadly have lost touch with them. I hope to gain more and reconnect with my old friends. Well that's enough about me. Thanks for taking your time to read this.

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Welcome to WebFlake

There is a few things you need to know before you actually get started.

If you have a slight problem with your account, you can always click the Contact us button located at the top.

Wanting to know the Community Guidelines?. These can be located at the top under 'About Us'.

Before you go ahead and uploading your wonderful shares with us, please take a look at the Upload Policy, after all you dont want your upload deleted do we?.

Please read out Privacy Policy. This can help you on what type of privacy we hold etc.. :)

If there is something wrong, you can always check the just before contacting us. We might have your answer there.

Do you want to know what the list of our groups are and want to know the information on them? Now you can, check out our

Well, thats enough for now, go on... what you still doing here? go and have fun

~Hidden Ninja


February 14 2013 - Joined WebFlake & Became Moderator.
March 26 2013 - Became a Dad of 1 kid.
April 8 2015 - Became a Dad of 2 kids.
July 15 2015 - Retired as a Moderator.
November 11 2016 - Passed my Car Driving Licence.
April 13 2017 - Became apart of the Junior Moderator Team.

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