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It's a bird! It's a plane! (After 98 more guesses) No, it's Googol!


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I hope my title for this thread didn't make you piss yourself too much :hilarious: , but anyway, I'm Googol. You can say I've been a searching for the right community to get forum software from. A few things to know about me:

  1. I've been creating forums for several years and I've been using Photoshop for about five years.
  2. I love pizza, seriously. I've eaten pizza during school lunch from sixth grade all the way up till I finished high school. I'm surprised I haven't died yet.
  3. I love Ariana Grande.
  4. Did I mention I love Ariana Grande?
  5. I have no filter, which I get from my father. 
  6. I have a foot fetish. (What did I tell ya? No filter :playful: ).
  7. I hate any form of mathematics and yet my father is a math teacher.
Edited by Googol
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