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Feedback About the "activity" emails


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Hello guy's,


I'm back on the forum after a long time without having posted anything. Your email reminds me that webflake is a community and not a download board like piratebay for example. I do download things on the site without writing comments in return. It is mostly because I give a note (with the stars) to the files and I think it's enough.
I made a Donatin in the past. Webflake helped me and I wanted to thank you and help you back. I never asked for anything in return except that the site remains open.
I'll try to post messages more often, but do not forget that some members may not be comfortable with English. I am French for example and I know many of us have a different native language. If I do not wrote on the forum, I still read the news and I try not to download too often!
Last thing I did not really like receiving your email. It was a non-personalized message and I hate this kind of email because I get stuff like that all of the day and my inbox is full of spam or commercial messages! I hope, you wouldn't send too many email! ^^
By the way, I find the new template LEGEN-WAIT FOR IT(the show is finaly over)-DARY!!! Well done! :)
(I hope that my english is readable! ^^)
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Welcome back to WebFlake Jaz,

It's not that we want you to download less often, it's that we want to increase activity. Almost everything we provide is free and we ask some posts or intelligence in return. Active communities are way more fun to participate in!

The message was automated because it is a system that sends them (I tried to personalize it as much as possible!). I don't want to send 11000 messages all by hand :P - You did get only ONE e-mail right?

- Phun

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I'm sure i wrote this in the disclaimer somewhere.


You did:


Upon the selection of: "I agree to these terms and conditions" you accept that forum administrator: "Phun" now owns your soul. This person, and any other person(s) that said member see's fit, now have the right to use any means necessary to force you to post, make your life a living hell, or to general render the subject mentally in-stable. Thank you for registering at Webflake.

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You did:


Upon the selection of: "I agree to these terms and conditions" you accept that forum administrator: "Phun" now owns your soul. This person, and any other person(s) that said member see's fit, now have the right to use any means necessary to force you to post, make your life a living hell, or to general render the subject mentally in-stable. Thank you for registering at Webflake.

Yeah, yeah now i remember. Thanks for clearing that up.

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