I think every administrator takes a different approach to creating a successful, thriving community. What have you done to make yours a success? A basic summary of what I have done:
[*]Found my niche. My niche is one that (a) is underdeveloped by other administrators and communities (b) I am extremely knowleadgeable and © I can offer something that others cannot.
[*]Started effective social media campaigning with an outreach of over 10,000 users in my niche.
[*]Sent in an order to the printing shop to get T-Shirts with our logo on them.
[*]Spoke to influential real-world people in my niche, and got them to push my link/name.
[*]Compiled a staff of motivated, talented individuals with great people skills.
[*]Made it so my "work time" is ALSO "play time". I enjoy what I do and have fun doing it.
[*]Never gave up. Sure, I hit dead spots ever now and then. But perseverance is key.