Version 1.0.0
Allows your IP.Board members to login to your wordpress website.
~~~ Installation ~~~
To install this plugin first upload the folder to the "wp-content/plugins/"
directory on your wordpress website and activate the plugin.
Now you will need to go to Settings->External DB Settings and set the values
on this page like this.
~ External Database Settings ~
Host: youripbmysqlhost
Port: youripbmysqlport
Name: youripbdatabasename
Username: youtipbmysqlusername
Password: youtipbmysqlpassword
User table: prefix_members (prefix is whatever your ipb table prefix is)
~ External Database Source Fields ~
Username: name
Password: members_pass_hash
Password encryption method: select IP.Board
First name: name
Email: email
~ Other ~
External Site URL: Your IPB URL
Now press save.
~~~ Common Problems ~~~
Q: First login doesn not work.
A: Users may have to login twice on their first visit. This is an issue with the original plugin not my code.
Q: My user exists but says "Error: Invalid Username"
A: You may have an email conflict here, you can not have an existing user on the wordpress installation with the same email as the IPB user you are trying to login with.