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Found 12 results

  1. Hiya, folks! Just wanted to provide a small update on some quality of life updates I've been making to the site. Most of this benefits the team more than you but there's some value in it for you too! Added complete functionality for emoticon and BBCode usage in statuses as well as profile cards and feeds. Users can no longer post links of any kind, including http, www, com, net, etc in statuses. This is an effort to alleviate prohibited advertising and bot spam. We've finally upgraded our Member Notes application. If Staff deems it necessary, we now have an option to inform you when we add a note to your account. If you receive a notification that a note has been attached to your account, you can view it by opening My Notifications in your profile settings and clicking on the note's timestamp. Added a new notification on the file submission page that reminds our users that files will not be approved instantaneously. See a preview of it HERE. Added a new alert on the Compose New Message page to remind users not to send unsolicited requests to Staff for support, content, etc. Upgraded our Friends Online application, which will now sort friends by their session time. Demo and VirusTotal links, as well as version compatibility are now hidden on the file index page due to page stretching. You can still view this info via the file's page. We will continue to release minor QOL updates in the meantime, at least until we officially upgrade to IPB 4.x!
  2. As of today, WebFlake will no longer offer support for vBulletin. This includes content, tutorials, or actual support for the product. Over the years, vBulletin's development has waned and so has its following. An overwhelming majority of vBulletin fanatics are really just unfortunate souls who made the egregious decision to purchase multi-year licences from IB. For that, you have our sincerest apologies. Unfortunately, we have no need to continue having vBulletin consume space in the community when that space could be divvied up among other platforms. That being said, WebFlake will be moving to expand support on WordPress and general webmaster content (HTML, PHP, Java, etc) in conjunction with our current support of Invision Power Board and xenForo.
  3. [2/19] Expanded WP Support, Apps System, & more.. I'm excited to announce that we're expanding our WordPress support. You'll now find a new category dedicated entirely to WordPress, which includes the following boards: Tutorials Support Resolved Support Topics Requests Applications System Gone are the days of applying for a Junior Moderator or Support Team role via threads. Gone are the days of Staff needing to hassle with internal discussion threads for each application. Now, users are welcome to apply via the new applications page. There may be prerequisites for the role you're applying for and if you do not meet the criteria, you will be informed of such an unable to apply. If you meet all requirements, you will be forwarded directly to the application itself, which will contain relevant information and the questions themselves. Currently, you can apply for Junior Moderator and Support Team. We will open up applications for Uploader at a later time. NOTE: This system may have bugs, so please be sure to report them to us if you find any. Filled Requests We've been evaluating ways to remove clutter on the site, so we've opted to do away with the old "Filled Requests" board. Seemed awfully redundant when our users can simply search for the content they want and if it's not available, submit a request. These boards just didn't serve the same purpose as Resolved Topics do. All requests that are filled, will now be archived. Veteran Group We are removing the Veteran group and moving anyone in it back to Advanced Member. The reality is, WebFlake has far too much daily traffic to maintain any realistic hope of finding users who could live up to our expectations for a Veteran membership. We discussed merging Retired Staff into the Veteran group but we feel that Retired Staff have earned that distinction and it would be disrespectful of their service to the community to forego that title.
  4. [2/9] Mentions, Awards and Skin Tweaks! Howdy WebFlakians! Hope everyone's had a great weekend. I'm checking in with a fresh batch of updates. Finetuning is pretty important to me and getting it just right is hard. Exploring options can be fun however, especially on forums where you can get almost realtime feedback from your users. Let's get to it Mentions Last year one of our members @Chris suggested we'd install the mentions hook and while i didn't do it back then, the idea has been used and we are now making use of the hook. We'll see how it works out, if it's unwanted we can always remove it. So use them mentions and tell us if you like it! Awards I'm in the process of adding some more awards to the site - i've already done a few - and change some of the older ones. They're a bit smaller now so you can fit more on the userpane in posts. I've been awarding myself some to test out how they would look. Check them out, aren't they shiny? Maybe i should keep them.. no.. no that'd be unfair. Alright i'll give them back soon. Got any ideas for awards? Post 'em in a reply here! Skin Tweaks Added some icons to the sidebar hooks to make them look fancy Awards cabinet is a bit better layed out now and stands out a bit more Removed the useless BBCodes button from the shoutbox Moved usertitles in the userInfoPane under the username instead of under the group badge Made the skin wider on screensizes < 1370px wide That's all folks, till next time
  5. [2/6] Friends | Q/A | Staff Online Howdy flakes, hope everyone's having a great day. I'm back with some more little tweaks to the site so let's get right to them. Friends Promoting friendly relationships and webmaster discussion has been a big thing on the radar and with the friends online list - next to your inbox - we hope this gets a little easier. Feel free to message your webflake friends sometimes, surely they wouldn't mind having a chat. Q/A Challenge It's back! For now there's some small math things that can be solved. Apparently No reCAPTCHA doesn't stop the nastiest bots so we've presented new Q/A challenges for them. Will be actively refreshing and cycling through them to make it even harder. Staff Online From now on you can instantly check if there's any staff members online! Easily check who's staff and if they're online and if need be you can even send us a message. Woo! Special thanks to Achromatic for the suggestion. -- That's it for now, hope you're all enjoying the tiny tweaks and the approach we're taking to let everyone know about them. We try to be transparent .
  6. No ReCAPTCHA For a long time we've used security questions and no captcha at all to make our account creation process easier. With the introduction of No reCAPTCHA however, we've decided it's time to streamline the account creation process. Therefore we've switched from the Questions/Answers to No reCAPTCHA. It is easier for especially foreign users to get past these instead of having to translate or misinterpret our Q/A challenge. We'll see how it goes and if it seems necessary to enable Q/A once again as an additional anti-spam measure we will do so, but for now we'll see how using only No reCAPTCHA works out. Edit 2/6: Added back some basic security questions. Mostly math ones. Darn bots
  7. It's time once again for a WebFlake Updates thread. We make these to inform the community of changes we made to the site. Read 'em carefully! Registrations I've added some more Question & Answer challenges to reduce the chance of spambots registering. As always, if you see a spam post don't hesitate to hit that report button. Member Group Changes Yesterday i've implemented a system to possibly help us increase some of the member activity. It moves members to the "inactive members" group if they're inactive for a longer period of time. Here's how it works: If you do not post anything for a period of 30 days, you get moved to the "Inactive Members" group. After being moved to the inactive members group, you have 90 days to become active. (You become active by making at least one post) If you do not become active after a total of 120 days (30+90), your account will be deleted. You will then have to register at WebFlake again. Downloads System Restrictions For our normal "Members" group i've adjusted some values regarding download restrictions. This is to promote activity and reduce our bandwidth costs. As always, Donators get unlimited access and downloads. Maximum download speed: 100kb/s Wait period before download: 20 seconds Maximum downloads per day: 5 Maximum simultaneous downloads: 1 But to balance this out, we've added a NEW member group called "Advanced Members". They will still have restrictions, but because they have been active on WebFlake, their download restrictions are milder: Maximum download speed: 200kb/s Wait period before download: 10 seconds Maximum downloads per day: 10 Maximum simultaneous downloads: 2 Note that maximum simultaneous downloads is hardly noticeable, considering the fact that files are usually small in size and will be finished downloading before you even get to the next file's page. New Skin And to top it all off, i've put our new skin as everyone's default skin. This is now our new main skin. If you really liked the old one you can go back to it. I've also fixed an old bug that made our avatars too small in the author info portion of posts, so everything should be a-okay from now on! If you find bugs on this skin (i started from scratch building this skin), please PM me and i'll try to fix. Please provide your browser information aswell. That's all folks, till next time! Updated 04-July-2014 Advanced Members In addition to having milder download restrictions, advanced members now also have these perks: Profile Customization 15 Seconds Search flood (Instead of 30) Can view who gave reputation How can i become an advanced member? The current criteria for being an advanced member are that you need to be active and have over 50 posts. The value will probably change in the future.
  8. It's that time again! We're rolling out a few more updates to the site, most of which are outlined below. Feel free to post any questions, comments, or concerns. I've removed the three previous Question & Answer challenge questions at the registration screen and replaced them with three new questions. I plan to add additional questions over the next few days. These questions will be progressively harder than previous iterations, solely as an effort to combat continued registrations by spam bots. Please remember to do your part and report spam posts / profiles as you see them! Regular members may no longer sell licences in our Marketplace. This includes licences for IPS, XenForo, or vBulletin. The risk of scamming is far too great, and neither of these companies officially support licence transfers. However, trusted members may continue to sell licences. What is a trusted member? Anyone belonging to the following usergroups: Staff (Admin, HM, Mod), Veteran, Support Team, Uploader, or Retired Staff. Essentially anyone but Members and +Donators. Also, our Marketplace now requires a minimum of fifteen (15) posts to create or reply to any topics there. This will not prevent users from viewing the topics, so if you list an external contact method, users will still be able to make an attempt to initiate a trade. We added this new restriction to prevent new users from offering services with their first post, and to bring our site-wide posting restrictions parallel to one another. As you should already be aware, to submit requests or use our shoutbox you are required to have fifteen (15) posts as well. Which brings me to... The previous post restriction for sending / receiving Private Messages on WebFlake has been increased from ten (10) to fifteen (15), to synchronize with other posting restrictions. New awards have been added to the site! See them all on our Awards page. New posting achievements as well! All awards except posting achievements and your award for your first upload have to be manually issued. If you believe you're missing an award, please contact an Administrator. Our Veterans usergroup has been purged and all retired Staff have been moved to their very own usergroup: Retired Staff. We've received a lot of feedback from the community about this, most of it not so enthusiastic about the current use of our Veterans usergroup. As a result, we're restoring that usergroup to the community and have even promoted Lock Down as its first member. Why are the colors so similar? Simple. Retired Staff are no different than our members. We don't want any presumed hierarchy between the two groups. The only difference between the two is extra perks, such as access to +Donator areas and expanded caps. They've all earned that much. New usergroup logo for Retired Staff: More updates in the coming days. Stay tuned!
  9. Quick set of updates, yet again! Download Topics Removed We've hidden the auto-generated download topics and their respective boards. The categories for IPB, XenForo, and vBulletin will now contain just two boards: support and tutorials. These auto-generated topics were cluttering up the forum and not useful at all. We've prohibited users from seeking support in those topics as it prevented individualized support for each user. Feedback was never really provided and most posts amounted to nothing more than spam. For those of you who liked to provide feedback in those topics, we've made this next adjustment for you... File Ratings & Comments File ratings and comments have been enabled. The rating system has always been in place, but we'd like to place more emphasis on its use. The comment system is available only for feedback (i.e. what you liked most about the file, or how you found use for it). Obviously, comments will not increment your post count nor are they a place for support. If you need support, create a topic in the appropriate support forum. Removed Gaming, Computers and Tech Board Not much needs to be said about this. It was a dead board and we already have an Off-Topic board. Subscribers are now known as +Donators I was going to make a separate topic for this, but I don't feel it needs a ton of attention. Our Subscriber group is now known as +Donators. Why? To avoid potential issues with receiving contributions to WebFlake's continued upkeep. Everything previously known as "Subscriber" is now "Donator". No, we are not bringing back the old Donator group. Either you're a Donator or you're a Member. Other Notable Adjustments In case you've missed it, we've made a handful of other adjustments since our .?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> Users now need at least 15 posts to utilize our Shoutbox. Read more: We've recently changed how we approach Shoutbox violations. Read more: If you haven't had a chance to review other updates, now is the best time to do it:
  10. We've recently begun rolling out some new updates for the community and I'd like to share what most of these new updates are. Post Requirement to use Personal Messenger This is long overdue. New members will now need at least ten (10) non-spam posts to send personal messages. Users will still be able to receive them. "Update" Reply to Support Topics when a file is updated When a file within our database is updated by the original submitter (or Staff), an auto-generated "this file has been updated" will be added to the topic. Similar Topics When submitting support or file requests, users will be prompted to review a list of potentially similar topics (this has also been extended to other areas such as our Webmaster Lounge). Hopefully, this will help cut down on the high number of duplicate topics that we often receive. With this new system in place, anyone found to be posting duplicate topics are subject to having their topic deleted. Habitual offenders are likely to receive a posting suspension. Personal Font Styles +Donators and Veterans will notice a new PFS setting tab located within their profile settings that will allow them to change their default text styling in various areas throughout the forum (notably topic view). This only applies to your individual content, not the entirety of the site. Yes, your chosen PFS will display to others. Please remember that our Guidelines still apply, so obnoxious styling will result in your privileges being revoked. Also Note: in order to use custom styling, you must un-check "Use Board's Default Font Color" (etc) within your PFS settings. Topics flagged for Lock & Delete Later This is a new moderation tool for our Staff team that will be noticed by the community. Staff now has the capability to lock a topic and flag it for auto-deletion at a later time (currently set to one week). As I outlined in a previous update post, we have a myriad of reasons for that and I won't outline them here, but I wanted to make everyone aware that it's now implemented. New Reputation Levels Thanks to TJKeeran, we now have a slew of new reputation levels (slightly modified). These were added mostly for fun, and we may use these new levels to promote contests, awards, rewards, and perhaps even use it when reviewing accounts (i.e. don't earn negative rep). We encourage everyone to make use of the Like / Dislike system as permissions permit. The current levels are as follows (and subject to change): -100 Malicious -75 Outcast -50 Troll -40 Obnoxious -30 Rude -20 Bad -10 Poor 0 Neutral 10 Fair 20 Good 30 Upstanding 40 Reputable 50 Distinguished 75 Excellent 100 Outstanding 200 Accomplished 300 Extraordinary 400 Exemplary 500 Illustrious 1000 Prominent 2500 Legendary 5000 Mythical
  11. It's been awhile since we've done any significant updates for the community, and now is as good a time as any. Over the course of the next few weeks, there will be a systematic series of updates pushed out to the community. These updates will range from site design, permissions updates, policy changes, and more. Some updates will be rather trivial and will not impact your daily activities here, while others will have quite an impact (nothing too detrimental we hope). The first sequence of updates are outlined below. We will no longer be accepting submitted nulls from any members other than those who are members of our Uploader group. This group is heavily screened by WebFlake Staff to ensure quality and clean submissions. If you wish to become a member of this usergroup, feel free to contact me directly to discuss the possibility of your addition to the group. Note: if you have not established a history of trustworthy submissions or have any blemishes on your account (i.e. you've been warned for inappropriate content in your submission) you will be disqualified from the group. WebFlake will no longer support multiple nulled copies of the same file. At the time of posting this, we currently have several copies of IP.Board 3.4.6. Going forward, we will have one (1) retail copy and one (1) nulled copy. The nulled copies will either be copies submitted by Staff or Uploaders. We've long taken a neutral stance on ripped copies of various sites and other content. We will continue to allow rip submissions, but we will be more closely monitoring these rips. We will no longer accept rips of websites that have minimal customizations made. We have had several rips submitted in recent weeks that were nothing more than a custom background, category icons, and a logo. This is not acceptable and an unfortunate waste of space. Rips will also need to be tagged as such when submitting them. Please affix [RIP] to the title of the submission. If you submit a rip that does not contain this prefix, Staff may delete the file at their discretion. Our current archiving filters will remain as they are (we are exploring possible changes). we will be approaching topic archiving a bit differently. We will no longer be archiving topics that are in violation of our Community Guidelines. This was a mistake and an oversight by our team. From now on, our archives will consist of dead topics, nothing more. We will update you with our new archiving filters should they be changed. I've been speaking with Phun at great length in regards to crowdfunding some of our content. For those unaware of what it is, crowdfunding is a fundraiser format where interested users contribute to a funds pool that will allow us to make the purchase of more expensive content. Staff and Uploaders will be able to create new topics in the new Crowdfunding Projects forum for content that is in demand or could prove useful to the community. I will open a topic specifically for users to submit suggestions for new crowdfunding projects (you'll find more details in that thread). Users will be able to reply to new funding threads and post whatever they're willing to contribute. Once we have the necessary funding, we will begin the process of collecting the funds from the contributors (users will simply donate directly to WebFlake's official PayPal), at which point a member of Staff will make the purchase and share the content shortly thereafter. This is a temporary model until we launch our own crowdfunding platform (something such as "crowdfund.webflake.sx). We will keep you updated on what our plans are for our new crowdfunding page. I'm excited to announce a few features that we have in store for WebFlake. Most of what I am about to list will be utility features designed to help improve the overall quality of our community. We plan to implement a variety of new features for our users to participate in, in the coming weeks ahead. Similar Topics - this is a necessary feature that we hope will cut down on spam and duplicate topics. When submitting a new support request, you will be prompted to review a list of [possibly] similar topics. File Update Posts - this feature will auto-post when any file is updated so that users are aware of a new version being available. Delayed Topic Deletion - a trivial feature that will simply allow Staff to flag a topic for deletion so that it may be continued to be viewed for a specified amount of time. The intended use of this feature is to allow topic authors an opportunity to see why their thread is being deleted and/or for certain threads to serve as reminders of how we enforce our guidelines. Featured Members/Staff - this is a tentative addition. We hope to be able to spotlight outstanding members of our community, and Staff who consistently go above and beyond for WebFlake. We do have other features in store, but the current list is what we are most focused on. WebFlake will be running monthly donation goals of at least $100 USD. This goal will reset every month whether we meet the goal or not, in an effort to keep our users informed of where we are on our funding. WebFlake Staff is focusing on transparency to remove skepticism of how we manage our community, and we hope that publicly available (and regularly updated) donation logs will be a huge first step in the right direction. As of this moment, we are officially dropping our support for MyBB. This particular forum package is free as it is and free support is offered via the MyBB community forums. It's a bit redundant for us to continue to support a product with waning interest here at WebFlake. We don't expect to receive an outpouring of rage over this decision, but just in case we have taken steps to protect the database in its entirety. All topics, tutorials, and files are still being maintained. As mentioned above, we have a myriad of other updates in store for WebFlake's future. Everything ranging from new features, a new skin, to a new front-page / portal! We're effectively striving for WebFlake v2.0 and we're going to be listening to your feedback! Be sure to monitor our Announcements forum for continued updates, and don't forget to Like us on Facebook and/or Follow us on Twitter!
  12. This post is a combination of a small announcement, as well as a topic for gathering feedback for a few other updates. Let's get started, shall we? Don't use GitHub? You should. GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over four million people (and counting) use GitHub to build amazing things together. Being that we're a webmaster community, we've added a new profile field that will allow you to link to your GitHub profile (yes, it's clickable!). These are just the start of a whole slew of new awards coming soon to WebFlake. Want to keep track of them? Visit here: http://webflake.sx/jawards/ Member Reputation Levels We'd like to revamp our Reputation Levels (i.e. the reputation title you have displayed on your profile). The current levels are as follows: Bad: -20 Poor: -10 Neutral: - 0 Good: - 10 Excellent: - 20 Feel free to give us some ideas with reasonable titles and appropriate separation of levels. We're looking for rep up to 1500 and as negative as say, 500. Thankfully we don't have anyone with extremely outstanding negative reputation, so more titles for negative rep isn't necessarily needed. Additional Awards We're also interested in adding new awards. Have suggestions for new awards? Post them here as well. We'd like a name for the award, a short description, as well as an image. Try to ensure that the image will fit with the other awards we currently have. Bear in mind that achievement style awards are not currently possible (such as membership length, etc). Try to avoid suggesting awards that would require mass awarding. We look forward to hearing from you!
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