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Hello, an administrator in my forum put an old theme from his PC and set it default, the phase is that there are two default themes, as I did not have an idea. A solution to manually delete it from ftp somehow? Thank you!
3.4 Post Topic Library As I'm pretty sure all the 3.4 documentation is gone off of IPB's website - I'm hoping someone here is familiar with it. How am I able to use the post topic library so that I can post a topic within a script?
Okay, I struggled for about an hour or so getting this to work properly. All the tutorials I found on the net were somewhat outdated since Facebook updated the way they have their app setup now. I figured to save others the frustration, I would post how I got mine to work! The steps are as follows (I will try to make them the most accurate and easiest way possible)! I have also included images to help those who like visual instructions in the spoiler tags below each step! You will need to be logged in to both your Facebook account and your IP.Board's Admin Control Panel (Duh, lol) Go to and click the "Create New App" button. Now, in "Display Name" enter what you want it to be named. The best thing is just the name of your website. Then select a category (I chose Entertainment) and then click the "Create App" button. You will need to also enter a captcha when you do. Just make sure you type the characters correctly (although if you have been on the internet for longer than a minute, I am sure you are used to captchas ) In the sidebar on the left hand side, click on "Settings". Now enter an email address for the contact email (this is required). You can use the same email address as your Facebook profile or the admin email you used for your IP.Board. It is up to you! Click the "Save Changes." button. Next, click the "Add Platform" button and click "Website". Now input the URL that you use for your board into the "Site URL" textbox. (This includes the subdomain if it is in one.) - Click the "Save Changes" button. Now, in the sidebar click on "App Details" and scroll down till you see the "Configure App Center Permissions" button. Click on it. Next, where it says "Auth Token Parameter" click the dropdown and select the "URI Fragment (#access_token=...)" option. Now where it says "App Center Permission", enter in the following permissions (it will bring up selectable things as you type so when you are typing, if you see it listing below as you type, click on it.): email, read_stream, publish_actions. Click the "Save" button. Next, click back on "Settings" in the left sidebar and click on the "Advanced" tab. Find the section "Deauthorize Callback URL". In the textbox for Deauthorize Callback URL you will be using this URL, tailored to your boards url: When you are finished click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page! Next, click on the "Status & Review" button in the left sidebar, and click the little toggle button next to "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" to enable the App to be activated. This will bring up a dialog box asking if you want to make it public. Click the "Confirm" button. Now, login and go to your IP.Board's Admin Control Panel. Under the "Application & Modules" category on the left sidebar, click "Community Enhancements". Then, click on "Facebook". This step will be pretty long (long-ish) but here goes. Go back to your facebook app stuff and click the "Dashboard" button in the left side Sidebar. You will see some stuff that says "App ID" and "App Secret" click the "Show" button next to App Secret to display it. You are going to copy both these fields into their appropriate equivalent textbox fields in the Facebook settings stuff we just opened in IP.Board. (e.g. copy App ID into Application ID, Secret into Secret key). Keep all the other settings the way they are on the IP.Board side and click the "Save" button. NOTE: If you keep the 'Facebook "Real name/Display name" handling' option as "Allow User's Choice" you MUST have the setting to let users choose display names ON. (This can be found and edited in System Settings -> "Members" tab -> Username Restrictions -> Display Name Restrictions -> Allow display names) Now go into the register or login pages on your board (you must be logged out of your admin account but still logged into facebook, obviously ) and test to see if it works. If it does, it will open facebook and ask if you want to have the app gain access to your info (email and profile info used for registration). And if you follow the prompts accordingly, you will be linked back to your forums with the option to use the Facebook login to create a new forum account or link it to an already existing one! That's it! You have successfully setup the Facebook login/registering feature on your board! Congrats! All these steps worked on my end, doing it twice, both succeeding. If it worked for you, let me know. If it doesn't work, also let me know and we can troubleshoot. If you liked this post and thought it was helpful, a nice PM or message is always appreciated as well as voting this post up to help out my Rep. Cheers!
This is a relatively simple tutorial. Most people do this by deleting a line of code, but what we will be doing is commenting it out. I do it this way so if for whatever reason I want to enable it in the future, I can do so without having to do too much work. The steps are as follows: Go into your Admin Control Panel Click the "Look & Feel" button. Click the name of the skin you are currently using on your board. In the left hand side, click on the category "Board Index", then click on "boardIndexTemplate". Find this code: <a href='#' id='toggle_sidebar' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sidebar']}' data-closed="{$this->lang->words['_laquo']}" data-open="×"> </a> And replace it with this code: <!--<a href='#' id='toggle_sidebar' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sidebar']}' data-closed="{$this->lang->words['_laquo']}" data-open="×"> </a>--> That's it! Go and check your sidebars to make sure, though. It may be a good idea to recache your skins, but I didn't find it necessary. If you are wondering what that did, essentially all we did was commented the code out so the browser ignores it. If for whatever reason you wish to undo what we did, just remove the <!-- and --> at the beginning and end of the modified code. If you think you will forget this, there is always that handy dandy bookmark feature Hope this helps out some people!
This is going to be a relatively easy and simple tutorial on how to change strings to say what you want them to. I found this while generally going through IP.Boards vast features and messing around with them. In this example I will show how to change that Create Account URL/Button's text into whatever you desire! The steps are pretty simple: How to setup the custom language pack we will be using! Login to you ACP, hover your mouse over Look & Feel and click Manage Languages. In the row that has "English (USA)" click the down arrow located all the way to the right of the row and click "Copy language pack". The reason we need to copy it, is because the default English USA language pack is not directly editable. Although you can disable that in the database, I would recommend not doing so and just making a copy the language pack. Click the pencil icon (Edit) and change it to whatever you like (such as English - Custom) but make sure to click the YES option where it says "Default language?". Click save changes. How to actually change the text of what you/we want to change! Click on the name of the language pack you want to edit stuff in (so in this case click the custom one we made with the above steps that you set as default). This will open up a new page with a bunch of tabs and other junk. In the "Find" search box above all the tabs, enter the text you want to change (so in this case enter "Create Account" without the quotes) - The results should bring up 2 results, "register" in both public_global and public_register. These will essentially tell you where the changes/text will show up. In the textboxes located to the right of these results, enter whatever you want the new text/link/button to say in ALL the boxes that you want it to apply two (so in this case, obviously both boxes). I changed mine to "Join Us!" Click the "Go" button to save the changes and voila! The values should be changed. Double check by going to your homepage and register page and making sure the changes have applied. If not, just re-follow the steps and make sure you did them all correctly! This tutorial applies to most strings you find, as well. Including some applications, addons, etc. If you want to change how something looks, try searching it like we did above, and changing it in the appropriate textboxes you find in the results. As an example, I changed my register link to "Join Us!" so I followed up by searching the language pack for anything that said "register" and changed some phrases to say things like "consider registering an account" to "consider joining", etc etc. I hope this was a helpful tutorial for anyone needing to change what certain things say on your board and let me know if everything goes smoothly! ^_^ And if for whatever reason you are more of a visual person, I took some screenshots and mashed em together in a single image to create a visual tutorial:
This will enable you to change the default white background of the different editors to match your skin. Standard Editor Login to the Admin CP Click on the Look & Feel Tab Click on the Skin name Click on CSS Click on ipb_editor.css Find this code: #ipboard_body .input_rte { width: 100%; height: 250px;} Change the code to (replacing the colours with the hex value of your choice): #ipboard_body .input_rte { background-color: #000; color: #fff; width: 100%; height: 250px;} Rich Text Editor Open the folder publicjs Open the file ips.editor.js (save a copy in case you make a mistake) Find the following (line 1100 if not changed) ips_frame_html += " background: #FFFFFF;n"; Add this underneath: ips_frame_html += " color: #fff;n"; Your code should look like this (replacing the colours with the hex value of your choice): ips_frame_html += " background: #000;n"; ips_frame_html += " color: #fff;n"; Save the file. You will need to hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) on Windows.
Following functions are very useful to you but they haven't built-in right into IP.Board yet. So you gotta add them manually. Those two functions as follows... 1. timespan( $timespanToDate ) - Counts how much time between a pass date your specify through parameters and today. 2. daysleft( $toDate ) - Counts how much days left for a future date you specify through parameters. You can use these functions as an example to show how much days left to christmas and/or how much time spent since your board started! Open admin/sources/classes/class_localization.php and add following code right after getTimeOffset() function. (You're free to place wherever you like, but remember to add it outside of functions and inside the class) /** * Timespan to get years, months, days and etc between a specified date and the current timestamp * * @access public * @param string Date target * @return string */public function timespan( $timespanToDate ){ if( !is_int( $timespanToDate ) ) { $timespanToDate = strtotime( $timespanToDate ); } $diff = abs( time() - $timespanToDate ); $years = floor( $diff / ( 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ); $months = floor( ( $diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) / ( 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ); $days = floor( ( $diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $months * 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ); // $hours = floor( ( $diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $months * 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $days * 60 * 60 * 24 ) / ( 60 * 60 ) ); // $minutes = floor( ( $diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $months * 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $days * 60 * 60 * 24 - $hours * 60 * 60 ) / 60 ); // $seconds = floor( ( $diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $months * 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $days * 60 * 60 * 24 - $hours * 60 * 60 - $minutes * 60 ) ); $string = ""; if( $years AND $years >= 1 ) { $string .= $years. " years, "; } if( $months AND $months >= 1 ) { $string .= $months. " months and "; } if( $days AND $days >= 1 ) { $string .= $days. " days ago"; } return $string;}/** * Count how much days left from the current timestamp * * @access public * @param string Date target * @return integer */public function daysleft( $toDate ){ if( !is_int( $toDate ) ) { $toDate = strtotime( $toDate ); } $timeleftTime = $toDate - time(); $timeleftDays = round( ( ( $timeleftTime / 24 ) / 60 ) / 60 ); return $timeleftDays;} Indent the code once to keep the code structure intact. That's it! Enjoy using these in your board. Examples (PHP)... $this->registry->getClass('class_localization' )->timespan( '02 September 1993' );$this->registry->getClass('class_localization' )->daysleft( '05 April 2013' );
I'll make my own tuts eventually.