As of 3.2.3, all premade skins come with a configuration template file, called _ipbfsConfig, located at Admin Cpanel > Look & Feel > Skin > _ipbfsConfig. This file controls certain features within the skin (such as guest messages, drop down menus, social networking links, etc). To toggle a feature, simply change it's value from on/off.
Social Network Icons
To enable social network icons (eg. facebook), find:
<if test="$this->settings['showFacebook']='no'"></if>
Change to:
<if test="$this->settings['showFacebook']='yes'"></if>
Social Network URL's
The links to your facebook/twitter/youtube links can also be customized from _ipbfsConfig. For facebook, find:
<if test="$this->settings['facebookName']='username'"></if>
Change username in the above line to your facebook username. If you want to link to a page, simply use page/PageTitleHere/, etc.
Guest Message
To disable the guest message, find:
<if test="$this->settings['guestMessage']='yes'"></if>
And change yes to no. The guest message can be customized in globalTemplate.
Drop Down Menu
These skins also come with a drop-down menu which can be useful if you have a lot of links in your navigation bar. To turn it on, find:
<if test="$this->settings['navDropdown']='no'"></if>
Change no to yes
Next, go to globalTemplate and find:
<li class='left'><a href="#" class='ipbmenu' id='primary_extra'>Extra links <img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/useropts_arrow.png' /></a></li>
This controls the tab name. Change "Extra links" to your own text if required.
To customize the menu links, scroll down further and find:
<ul id='primary_extra_menucontent' class='ipbmenu_content' style='display: none'>
<li><a href='#'>Extra Link</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Extra Link</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Extra Link</a></li>
Change # to the URL of your new page, and add/remove list items if necessary.
Default "More" Menu
The configuration file (by default) disables the automatic "More" dropdown menu that comes with IPB. This menu causes a severe bug in IE8, so I thought it was best to disable it. To enable it, find:
<if test="$this->settings['defaultMoreDropdown']='no'"></if>
..and change no to yes. This should not be used in combination with the above menu.
Forum Descriptions in Tooltips
Go to Board Index > boardIndexTemplate
<if test="$this->settings['hoverDescriptions']='no'"></if>