Hello,I come to you hoping that you could help me, let me explain ...I migrated my site to hostgator balticservers, migration that went pretty well except that my members do not receive some emails! I have not touched the configuration of my forum "PHP mail ()" so I do not understand, so I'll see in my logs ACP and I see that I have to repeat this error: I contacted my host "balticservers" to ask him if I can ENTERING AND PHP mail () on my forum, and he answers me that yes, I can also use an SMTP connection ....because I get an error with PHP mail (), so I try using SMTP, so I create an account on the Cpanel of balticservers, once done, I'm on my ACP forum to change the values: my information is correct, however, and when I validate this configuration I get this error: I do not know what to do .... could you help me please Regards.