Key Changes
DISCORD: Added new command: !support
- Primarily for mod use but available to all users.
- Intended to be used to remind someone that support is not provided via Discord. The bot will also post relevant links to support forums.
- This is not an encouragement to mini-mod other users. Be respectful and use it when someone is lost.
DISCORD: Being that our Discord server is a community server, our bot has been configured to delete messages with offensive or profane content and also issue a warning, otherwise known as an infraction.
- Infractions are counted over the span of 180 days, effectively creating a new cycle. Infractions remain but you would need to incur X number of infractions in the span of 6 months to trigger an automated account penalty.
- 2 infractions will incur a temporary mute for 24 hours.
- 3 infractions will incur a temporary ban for 3 days.
- 4 infractions will incur a permanent ban.
- Consider your first infraction a warning.
- Infractions can still be issued manually by Staff at their discretion.
- Added Staff activity feed to index sidebar.
- Added Discord widget to index sidebar.
2020 has been a rough year. Spread a little love with our new love reaction.
- "Love" is really just a recolored variant of the old "Like" reaction.
- "Like" is now a thumbs-up icon, using the original color.
Additional Information
Christmas has arrived and so has a massive holiday deal! Use code HOLIDAY50 at checkout for 50% off all store products through December 31st.