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  1. Thank you If anyone needs help fixing this issue just edit the theme with notepad ++ Goto Line 7186 and make it look like this /* Faint 'read' icons, if a 'read' icon isn't uploaded */ {{if !theme.ficon_image}} .focus-member .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large.ipsItemStatus_read, {{endif}} .focus-member .ipsItemStatus_custom.ipsItemStatus_read{ opacity: 1; } /* Make icons full visibility for guests */ .focus-guest .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_read{ opacity: 1; }
  2. I am using the theme Villain 4.3 for right now and I selected all my custom forums icons and for some reason when I am logged in all the icons are gray and when Im not logged in they are normal colors?? I want them to be normal colors all the time! Please and Thank you! What I mean by logged in or not. If I am logged in as a member or admin or anything it shows gray. But If I am not logged in (Guest) It shows full colors.
  3. Best free themes for like a game server type thing?
  4. I got some clothes, I mean I am older now so there isn't much I really want lol so clothes will do just fine
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