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  1. At the moment, just the heat lol It's over 30 Degrees Celsius here at midnight right now.
  2. Robinson

    FiveM Player?

    I have a new English speaking one I'm setting up with a friend. FiveM is just on another Level compared to games like ArmA 3 etc.
  3. I've not dove too far into Crypto, but from what I hear people won't touch it, at least not anyone I know who's into it.
  4. Robinson


    Welcome to WebFlake
  5. Anyone else enjoying the Loki Series? I find it quite entertaining that there are like an enormous amounts of him, all with differences, but they all have 1 trait, they cannot trust anyone or be trusted. Thoughts?
  6. Does it not let you click in it? If you wish to add/remove people you need to hold either SHIFT or CTRL when clicking them to add/remove more than 1.
  7. Welcome to Webflake, IbramMuzaffer! Hope you enjoy it here
  8. To be more specific, Members > Member Settings > go to ban settings, add filter then select "Non registrable Names" and then the name you want blacklisted.
  9. That game is still going?
  10. Anyone get any gaming related XMAS presents this year? I got the latest Metro and a new Keyboard. Also got a nice watch from the missus. Pictures welcome
  11. This is the Category you're looking for; https://webflake.sx/forum/167-invision-requests/
  12. Go to your guests' group permission, then the downloads tab. Make all these 0.
  13. Try adding this to your custom.css #elLicenseKey { display: none; }
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