I want to ask about "Support" System notifications, for this moment, when someone will write Ticket, I'm only able to see that only via ACP - there's nice red circle with numbers of Tickets unresolved but this is too "manual" to log in every day to ACP and look for tickets. The worst thing is with replies if I'll reply to Ticket, the user is not informed that the reply came, we need to open a support system, and then we know about it.
Is there any way to set notifications for administrators when the topic came and for the user when a reply came?
Thanks much!
Finally, i find it, i can't because the plugin name is such unique like "Custom Notifications 1.2.2" we'll see how it works and will write more about when plugin will go live.
#Edit - 2
Nope, Custom Notifications can't automatize these things.