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Everything posted by ZRTSTR


    Corrupt a wish!

    I want an alien artificial intelligence that will do all the work for me.

    Windows 10

    Put this shit if you want DirectX12. There is still no choice.
  3. Of course! The rate fell but it is still convenient for calculating the currency.
  4. Yeah dude! There is one antivirus which is worth buying and paying every half a year. The fact is that conventional antivirus software is not designed to combat spyware and botnets. Excellent cope with these tasks SpyHunter 5.
  5. These are the two greatest games! It's like choosing between a dick and eyes. What would you lose?
  6. At us in Russia if at you Android means you poor, if at you IOS you like all girls.

    Best PC OS

    Looking for what. For games only Windows.

    Gaming theme

    https://themeforest.net/item/newsgamer-wordpress-news-magazine-theme/14521155 not nuled, It is necessary?
  9. A bright theme is suitable for daytime and dark for night. Ideally on the site you need to make a switch day-night.
  10. ZRTSTR

    SQL or NoSQL?

    If there are no problems with RAM then SQL. If the RAM is less than 1GB then you need to be more careful.
  11. It is obvious! Not soon any platform will catch up with WP on the number of add-ons and plug-ins. Only WP!
  12. At the moment and for many years the best distro is Ubuntu. Security, timeliness of updates, documentation! and much more. A friend is now a fait accompli, with Ubuntu in its niche no competitors. this is the best product.
  13. ZRTSTR

    Fortnite or PUBG?

    Dude, you want to provoke a religious war? Of course PUBG!
  14. Definitely youtube since twich serves only for streamers of gamers.
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