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  1. Can we find a way to do it by editing the indextemplate ?
  2. Sure Dragonvoid, On ipb you have Categories/Forums/Sub-forums What i'm looking for it's a way to add TEXT DESCRIPTION for CATEGORIES like we do for Forums. On IPB official website they said that it's not possible.. If you have any solution ? Thks Or if you can find a way to add text under a CATEGORIE, but different text for each categories
  3. Hello, How can i add decsriptions for each categories ? (not for forums) Thanks
  4. hi, thank you, i prefer the first nice job if you have other ideas pleaqe dont hesitate to show me thank you
  5. hi, thank you it's ok like that if you have other ideas, and time, please try to do an other one with legal image thanks again
  6. Hi could someone please make me a law community logo? Text: Something to match my website www.wikidroit.fr My website is related to law. We have students, lawyers, and clients looking for legal advices or for a lawyer. Color: Same as above please Image: make look like its a wikipedia of LAW and COMMUNITY too. Sorry but i didnt succed to find a nice image to use for my logo. If you can have ideas ? Size: 425px x 85px Also it needs to be transparent please.
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