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Chad N

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  1. I have been coding LUA for 4 years now and I started with GLua for Garry's Mod. Now I play FiveM and its a whole different ball game and quite frankly I don understand too much of it.... Does anyone else code for either of these games and see what I mean? I know Lua is tedious but sheesh is it now more then ever for me.. IF anyone has any tips or tricks that would be appreciated
  2. Personally I am at a cross between IPB and Xenforo at this point its just the matter for what would be faster and more responsive
  3. Wow thank you all for your suggestions I really appreciate the help!
  4. Hello I currently manage and run a gaming community the website averages about 50 -60 connections daily and 10 - 15 connections at once I am curious if one forums software would work better over another and what would be best in terms of features and ease of administration on said forums software.
  5. I am looking to install a poll within my website but I would like a open sourced one to work with so I can make changes and updates at my own leisure. Any Ideas?
  6. Has anyone heard of FiveM or ever played FiveM? I am curious as I used to work for the DoJ as a Head Admin and all that jazz and then I went to MidwestRP as a Senior Admin and IDT Lead etc. Now I have left both and am starting my own I have a good group of people but if anyone plays and is looking for a place let me know in pms.
  7. Firewall is okay and the only time I get the issue is when I go for the groups and it happens after a certain amount of groups are created it does something with a cookie error
  8. Whenever I am doing stuff in the groups section now it just logs me out and tells me to log back in and I cant do anything in the groups section
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