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    Thanx you. How allow upload audio *.opus ? ... Goth! applications\musicbox\sources\Song, file Song.php Line 1077: $supportExt = array('mp3', 'wma', 'm4a', 'opus', 'aac'); Buth *.opus not played.
  1. Is it possible to IPS4.3 in a certain branch of forums or a forum to implement a topic in the form of a torrent tracker to distribute files?
  2. Wanting to have a forum is only half a deal. Also, for the proper functioning of your forum, you need to know if your hosting complies with IPS requirements. Second, it is a variety of plugins, applications, and additions that you need to solve certain tasks. IPS has everything to meet any needs. The main thing to install is to select only the modules you need. Disconnect the rest. Well continue to develop! Good luck!
  3. Hi guys! For Ukrainian locale this ukr - set in IPS. Buth i not understand, why IPS njot added <meta charset="UTF-8"> parameter to theme.
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