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  1. Android - hands down. More freedom of use for the phone. I was an apple guy for 5 years and I'll never go back to them.
  2. I thought I was going to be alone -- Pepsi
  3. ASPRocks

    Pc vs Ps4

    PC gaming is the way to go. Ahead on tech, more possibilities with gaming hardware and mods for games.
  4. Android all the way if you like to have control over your device and do things your way.
  5. I was an Apple user for 5 years and decided to go to Android via Samsung phones and I've been hooked since the Note 1. I'll never go back to Apple based on how they control everything you do.
  6. GTA and get on a FiveM RP server! Most fun you'll probably have!
  7. I prefer dark themes, it's easier on the eyes for me. Especially on mobile at night.
  8. Welcome, this place is great!
  9. Dark theme, especially on mobile - much easier on the eyes.
  10. I listen to all types of genres...hard to narrow down a favorite. Kind of depends on the mood I'm in really.
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