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Envy last won the day on December 14 2013

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  1. Tried this and it didn't help, I'll PM you a guest account.
  2. Thanks, you answered my questions for the first one. And my board is, click here. Don't want to advertise so I made it clickable. Not to add more to the plate but do u know how to put favicons next to the words in the navigation tab as well? Like the little images and or edit the main one as well?
  3. First Issue: I am looking for some help with my navigation bar and cleaning it up. This is what i'm talking about and what it currently looks like: http://prntscr.com/cmabbf I would like to clean it up to my liking and create an Extra Links tab and put certain things under it. Currently I can not figure out how to rearrange and complete this although I have disabled some things but the tabs still remains just the drop down is gone. Second Issue: I am having an issue with the emoticons breaking or not working in the Status Updates or Posts regions. It will either break the image or not make the post but, it works perfectly fine within the shoutbox. It looks like this: http://prntscr.com/cmadwz Third Issue: I am currently using the User Reputation Bar. http://prntscr.com/cmafx0 This is the issue I am having when using the Rep in navbit hook but, it only does that when looking at profiles. http://prntscr.com/cmaejj This is what it's suppose to look like http://prntscr.com/cmaflb and it just mainly seems like the two are conflicting. I am currently using the skin "Nerva" for IPB4 that I downloaded from this site
  4. Request Type: Profile Avatar and Logo Sizes: Reasonable for both Text: Professional-looking profile avatar with the letters CT on it. Logo will be ChaosTalk with a icon that may go with it. Colors: Whatever fits (Nothing too bright) Type 2: 3D or 2D is fine, whatever looks nice. Thank you!!
  5. Envy

    Feedback Reminders

    I agree with the clog up. The announcements are filled with reminders. I would like to see some more cool Announcements and Updates they use to do within that forum. All the reminders that the site already has is enough. Making a reminder topic just adds more clutter. Like he stated above just Warn | Ban | Suspend them. This is a resource site, a site that helps other people. If they want to abuse the features this site offers, then ban them. Then they will realize that they need Webflake, not Webflake needs them.
  6. I would get rid of the Shoutbox tab since you already have it on your main forum. By hiding the tab it will not effect the actual shoutbox, just don't deactivate it Only hide it in tab restrictions. Second I would get rid of the Random Topic tab. I think people just browsing your forum will be enough. If you need further help or don't know how to do something just contact me.
  7. Are you able to PM me your site so I can take a look and maybe suggest some things to you?
  8. You could deactivate them. If there apps just click to edit them then click tab restrictions and hide it from all.
  9. You have too many Tabs. When you have a lot of tabs it moves everything over. If you got rid of a few you know you may not need I'm sure it will fix it.
  10. This is already installed on your forum. Go to System > System Settings > Members > Reputation System > Reputation Type. And to get what you wanted in the pic select "Both Positive and Negative Reputations Points.
  11. Congrats, Norg. I have been on Webflake for sometime now, and have seen the Staff pass by. I hope your one that stays and makes this community one step higher then the rest.
  12. Your post states, "I didnt understand that answer..." It doesn't make sense for you to get smart with me when i'm trying to help you. So.... If you deleted the hook, does the problem still occur?
  13. If you go to the link he has provided it gives you an answer to an exact topic that was made to answer this exact question. I don't take credit for this answer as it is Davlin's, but to make it convenient for you i'll past it here. "Seems you have an issue with one of your hooks produced by teraßyte. Do you recall installing any hooks with a (TB) prefix to the name? Such as Group Format or Custom Name Style, etc."
  14. Version 3.4x


    [size=3]Clean and beautiful rip. All is functional and just needs edits to be customized to your site. If you need any help feel free to shoot me a PM and ill be more then glade to help you out. Enjoy.[/size]
  15. Envy


    Welcome to the site, nice name choice. Hope you can make a difference here as a member.
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