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  1. I am kind of optimistic for 2021. Sure, right now the times are not great, but with a vaccine on the horizon, we might just need couple of more months and the situation will be much better.
  2. especially with the new v79 update, now it has become a mess. maybe it is time to switch to a different browser and i should give edge a chance? the op is a good read!
  3. no doubt ips is a great software, but how do you like the new xenforo 2.2 release? imho it looks very promising, although i hate that the software is not easy to use for non-devs and they are focussing so much on the forum module.
  4. I find Arma 3 to be the best tactical shooter, but I think it is PC-only.
  5. Arma for sure. I prefer more realistic games and the same goes for the RP, which is way mature in Arma.
  6. IPB is just great. It has the most advanced features.
  7. Never played Fortnite, but PUBG is still good fun!
  8. I think it depends on what you are used to. If you have used an iPhone for years, then it is not very likely that you are going to switch to an Android phone. Personally I still like how easy Apple products can be used. :)
  9. dev of said resource is known for adding callbacks and license checks to their software. has this been taken care of (aka is it nulled)?
  10. they update regularly unlike other devs, so i like it quite a lot.
  11. yes, i took a look at these. thank you very much! maybe i have overlooked it, but is there a change to get the latest resources addon? i see the gallery, but not the resources addon.
  12. i'd love to give xf a try, but where to get regularly updated nulled versions and nulled apps?
  13. Battle Royale is not my cup of tea, but if I had to choose I have to say that PUBG looks more interesting to me.
  14. Well, if you have the money for it...? :)
  15. ipb that is why i am here. :)
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