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  1. Well, I would like to know how I can customize this scrollbar
  2. That's not it ... More I already resovi can close the topic.
  3. I already did that and it did not work buddy.
  4. No, every time someone in this group logs on to my site, it gets anonymously.
  5. Good night, well I'm with a simple problem that I can not solve, how can I increase the size of my IT, it gets very small in the topics see:
  6. I think you could create a folder and upar the IPS inside, for example, / EN would be: yourdomain.com/en dps tu mounts the forum and talz kkk would work ....
  7. Hello friends, I recently updated to version 4.3.4 of IPS, and I have a problem, I always create an account and give the position of "Founder" always enter anonymously, I have already done and I have refiled the post again and I have no results , if anyone can help me, thank you. Print:
  8. If you want I'll help you, call me private.
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