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  1. I am currently using 4.4.10 and it is running beautifully. However I see that 4.5 offers a beta version of an app for Android and iOS. I am thinking of upgrading to 4.5 for that alone. However when i initially installed 4.5 on my server, there was no Forum app for that version. Which is why i went with 4.4 My question is, if I upgrade to 4.5, do I lose the Forums app or does everything else upgrade and Forums remain unchanged? Or have they added Forums back into 4.5? I've since found more information about this and it doesn't look like it works like I'd hoped. Please disregard this question.
  2. I try to avoid it all, but man, sometimes a Quarter Pounder with cheese meal is just the thing.
  3. Strangely enough, I use IOS for everything except my phone, which is Android. I think the price is the biggest issue for me, especially for something I could easily lose or break.
  4. I tried my hand at it when I first started but quickly found it was a lot of extra work and hard to change writing styles so no one would know it was me. I gave it up really quick. If you have quality content, and market the hell out of it to your target audience, you should have people chiming in pretty quick.
  5. IOS. Started off with a 2010 Mac Pro a buddy gave me and when that was looking like it would cost more to fix than anything, I bought a Mac mini and LOVE it. I still have the Mac Pro, I should try and sell it for parts or something.
  6. 17 chickens 3 pheasants 3 goats 5 ducks 1 Bobwhite quail 1 beagle A regular Old McDonald here !
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