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  1. I have updated this site wide, but the AdminCP's Icons still don't load. The entire forums area is fine, it's only the AdminCP that is affected
  2. It by default goes to https, when I try to manually set to http it just sets itself right back
  3. Hello! On my AdminCP the Font Awesome Icons are not loading, this happened randomly a few months back and I still can't figure out a fix. On my home suite, I had to manually add the following to the globaltemplate to fix it there, but that didn't fix my AdminCP. <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.1.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> I have gone to Support and cleared the cache but still can not figure out a fix.
  4. I just started watching, love it.
  5. I am great, thanks for asking!
  6. Hia pal. Enjoy the forums.
  7. https://www.malwarebytes.com 100%
  8. sorry boys, the dub is all mine.
  9. I had to completely reinstall IPS.
  10. I've tried using the default theme as well as 2 different modified themes, same problem. I believe it's an IPS problem, is there a way I can just update the forums application?
  11. When I recently installed IPS 4.3.5, I have had this reoccurring problem regardless of theme. The topic starts way below where it should and this big white space appears for no reason. Screenshot - http://prntscr.com/kghrvv The big white space is where the topic should start. I also noticed that the Who's Online box, displays each person on a different line, http://prntscr.com/kghthz
  12. I prefer IPB mainly because of the user-friendliness and the capabilities it comes with by default
  13. I think it depends on the type of forum you are creating, and the logos that you use. Some things just look better in dark, but I discovered because I have a red/black logo that is looked better on a light theme.
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