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Everything posted by ICostaEx

  1. 1: Call of duty: World at War 2: Call of Duty: MW2 3: CSGO 4: Minecraft 6: League of Legends
  2. Version 1.2.2


    This application will let allowed users to change PRIMARY member groups or add groups to SECONDARY groups in Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed. Settings: Display Change Group link in posts Staff Grups: these groups won't appear as option to the moderator Allowed groups: the groups will be allowed to change member groups on ModeratorCP.
  3. Version 2.21


    This plugin will let other users know that you are away for a specific reason. Made specifically for moderation purpose, can be used by any group to inform that you are away for a few days. Admins can remove the AWAY status from other users on Moderator CP -> Member Management -> Away tab. Setttings: Max number of days the AWAY status will remain Show AWAY status on posts Groups allowed to use the feature
  4. Error; Backtrace;
  5. I get this error like every few minutes in system logs, anyone know why this could be or how to fix it?
  6. Without spoiling anything, I would say the movie was good, I can't wait to see how they will continue the avengers movies from here out.
  7. So I am using automation rules to give users "xp" for posting, reacting, getting awards etc, and I would like to convert users XP to REP whenever they get X amount of XP. How can I go about doing this? If I were to hard code it how would I go about doing it?
  8. I am trying to add an image if a users contentProfileFields() contains "Leadership", how would I go about checking if contentProfileFields() contains that string within it?
  9. Does anyone know if https://di.community/mdr/ is custom made? Or is there an existing plugin/application/template out there to accomplish this type of set up?
  10. Did that, but I still have a border around the images,
  11. I am currently making a few clubs on my forums, and I have noticed that the images I am uploading for the club icons even when they have transparent backgrounds end up with a black background. Is there a way I can make this where it wont have this, and have it actually honor the transparency? http://prntscr.com/l3u2ex
  12. Thanks, do you know how i would go about adding images for each category?
  13. This is not a forum, its a pages/database/articles
  14. Yea, I would like it to do that. I would be able to do it manually just dont know what template to edit...
  15. I am trying to replicate ( https://di.community/code-of-ops/ ) that page however I cant seem to get the category to show up in the 3 columns rows, only the articles themselves. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? From what I understand they have Category set with images that link to their articles...
  16. I started out my coding career on roblox, it got me into it and I would probably not be where i am today if it wernt for that.
  17. PubG - The game is realistic, none of that fake BS.
  18. Windows by far, love to be able to take my computer apart and back without the hassle.
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