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Gm Prodigy

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Gm Prodigy last won the day on June 3 2021

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  1. mysqld.sock file doesn't exist in \temp\. I'm assuming it's created when the mysql server is running and since the file isn't there then something isn't setup properly. You'll need to read your mysql logs to see why it's not starting up.
  2. You shouldn't manually edit the origin php files, changes will be lost when you update the forums. It's better to create a hook or just edit the template in ACP if you're lazy.
  3. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} {expression="\IPS\Output::i()->redirect(\IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=forums&module=forums&controller=index'))"} {{endif}} Edit the code of the template you want this code to run on, and search loginForm then add the code at the bottom of the page and save. It will redirect users to the forums if they are logged in
  4. you might need to enable mod_remoteip but being that it's shared hosting they probably won't do it for you. contact your host to see if they might ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. In your IPS ACP head over to System->Setting->Advanced Configuration Click the first tab that says Server Environment then look for something that says "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" and toggle it on. You could also search proxy in the search bar.
  6. When the cheat gets detected you can insert the data into a MySQL table, then get the forums to read the data or get the data from an API. you can then create a html block on the forums and add some code to check if the cheat is detected or not {$status = SELECT * FROM table_name} {{if $status == 1}} HTML to output if true {{elseif $status == 2}} HTML to output if expression is true {{else}} HTML to output if others were not true {{endif}}
  7. Gm Prodigy


    because the theme you're using isn't supported for 4.5
  8. Well you can use this guide https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/43-sign-in-from-other-sites-using-oauth-r1058/ or add a plugin on your forums that generates a new key, when the user is signed in he sees this key and uses it to login on the application. You'd also make sure the user can click a button to regenerate the key. To help with brute force attacks you could generate 2 matching keys to login. There are many ways of doing it.
  9. Yeah, he's not hard to find. He's in the official discord. I spoke to him about the application and I also spoke to the owners. They seems cool with it.
  10. You're wasting your money if you buy that. You can easily set it up for free in about 10mins or less. https://widgetbot.io/
  11. You can change roles using the rest api, but to change titles you'll need to do some modifications to an app. probably a better way to do this but this can get you started. namespace IPS\app name goes here\api; /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if (!\defined('\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY')) { header((isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0') . ' 403 Forbidden'); exit; } class _settings extends \IPS\Api\Controller { /** * GET /app name goes here/settings/{id} * Get information about a specific member * * @param string $member_id m * @throws 1C292/2 INVALID_MEMBER_ID The member id does not exist * @return array specifc core_member info */ public function GETitem($member_id) { try { $results = \IPS\Db::i()->select('*', 'core_members', array('member_id=?', $member_id)); $info = array(); foreach ($results as $k => $v) { $info[$k] = $v; } if (empty($info)) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception('INVALID', '1XBH292/2', 404); } return new \IPS\Api\Response(200, $info[0]); } catch (\OutOfRangeException $e) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception('INVALID_MEMBER_ID', '1XBH292/2', 404); } } /** * POST /app name goes here/settings/{member_id} * Get information about a specific member * * @param string $member_id members id * @apiparam string Member_Title changes member title * @throws 1C292/2 INVALID_MEMBER_ID * @return void */ public function POSTitem($member_id) { $results = \IPS\Db::i()->select('*', 'core_members', array('member_id=?', $member_id)); $info = array(); foreach ($results as $k => $v) { $info[$k] = $v; } if (empty($info)) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception('INVALID_MEMBER_ID', '1XBH292/2', 404); } $worked = true; if (isset($_GET['rank'])) { try { $query = \IPS\Db::i()->query("UPDATE core_members SET member_title='" . $_GET['rank'] . "' WHERE member_id='$member_id'"); if ($query == false) { $worked = false; } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception('Rank may not have been updated', '2F295/7', 400); } } return new \IPS\Api\Response(200, $worked ? "OK" : "Failed"); }
  12. head over to Cpanel and and edit your php.ini file Find these lines: upload_max_filesize = 2M post_max_size = 8M Change to (Example) upload_max_filesize = 16M post_max_size = 32M
  13. Gm Prodigy


    An offshore VPS is the best option in the case, there are even a few services which offers anonymous meaning just a valid email is enough. If you don't brag about your forums been nulled or being linked to any IPS nulling community then you're probably going to be fine. Even when reporting forums, IPS takes months if they ever do something about it... unless for whatever reason IPS has their sites on you you're probably fine. I've helped may forums and hearing someone been taken down in 4 days is a first for me. "HostBlast" is a pretty cheap host and I'm just assuming they've had DMCA request from IPS before. I really don't think IPS even knows about your forums may be "HostBlast" removed it because they saw something like the name of a folder containing the word nulled which is on the installation folder if you uploaded the whole thing. Edit: If you can afford an IPS licence but can't afford a host I'd probably think your forums is nulled.
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