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  1. M.ichelle


    I can't see anything after i select a forum only start topic . Hope it helps out .
  2. Hellow newflake enjoy much !
  3. ps4 has similar games that are able for crossplay , and why would you want to crossplay in most cases PC > Console as user can modify their pc and therefore 'can' have better performance over a console user competing this way doesn't look fair in my opinion Console hardware is always pretty much outdated tbh just my 2cents
  4. Profit can be made without mining just be smart and don't invest money you can't miss !
  5. I rather always use dark backgrounds because i usually sit i dimmed light almost ,dark room Then white or light/bright colors are not a good choice just my 2cents ? !
  6. That would be the BMW without a doubt, i always loved bmw's since i was a kid and since i owe a '97 e36 sedan 1800IS Shame the law recently changed the way old-timers being treated and the age has gone up from 25years to 30years , pity -.- Now it just stands in the garage
  7. i can really recommend huawei p20 costs half what the iphone x costs and trust me i swore by apple but i tried and i liked it Just as an alternative to samsung
  8. Chilling, upgrading 4.3.4 -> 4.3.6 

  9. very nice explained nice tutorial.
  10. Hi fellow flakes , my name is Michelle i am from belgium , Just a few words about me . I'm Deejay for a hobby , i like to play minimal / tek-house You can see some of my work on sc. (A.k.a Miss Shene). Take care all .
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